Changes To On-boarding Rehire Labels
SAP renamed the labels for the Onboarding rehire options on the home page. These labels are displayed on the Data Review page and the To-Do list of the page header.
The following rehire options are renamed:
The Rehire tab (Home > For You Today > Data Review > View All) is renamed to Employment Profile Selection.
The Perform Rehire Verification option (Home > To-Do) on the page header is renamed to Employment Profile Selection.
In addition to the current workflow that permits onboarding external users, you can now use the renamed options to perform rehire tasks for internal hires as well.
- These tasks include:
- Pre-Onboarding Rehire Verification
- Onboarding Rehire Verification
- Employment Profile Selection
- Note:
This enhancement doesn’t impact the rehire functionality. You can continue to perform rehire checks such as pre-Onboarding Rehire Verification and Onboarding Rehire Verification from the Employment Profile Selection tab or the dialog.
SAP made these enhancements to improve the user experience.
What’s Changed:
How It Looks Now:
In the current version, rehire options available on the latest home page are re-name.
This screenshot shows the employment Profile Selection tab on the Data Review page.

This screenshot shows the employment Profile Selection task on the To-Do list on the page Header

How It Looked Before:
In the previous version, the rehire options available on the home page were called Rehire and Perform Rehire Verification.
This screenshot shows the rehire tab on the Data Review page.

This screenshot shows the Rehire Verification task on the To-Do list of the page header.