Recruitment Management
New Enhancements Release Summary
Draft Mode for Offer Letter
The Offer Letter that you want to send to a candidate can now be saved as a draft and re-edited at a later time.
Why is it important?
- Working on offer letters can take a considerable amount of time and longer than one working session.

UI Consistency
- UIs (screen, pages, popups, etc.) across the BizXsuite should have the look-and-feel as a coherent part of a “Fiorizied” BizXsuite. Below is a high level summary of the pages included in b1702. (Job Requisition, some screens in Internal Career Site and Search were already Fiorizied in b1608 and b1611. Other pages in RCM will be Fiorizied in upcoming builds.)
- Interview Scheduling -Job Requisition
- Interview Scheduling -Interview Setup
- Interview Scheduling -My Calendar (Week)
- Interview Central -View Open Requisitions (w/Candidates)
- Interview Central -Edit Candidate Interview Assessment
Why is it important?
SAP SuccessFactors continues to adopt the SAP design principles known as “Fiori”, providing a more modern and consistent user experience across your SAP landscape.
- Prerequisites
The Fiori updates can be enabled using the Fiori User Experience 2016 upgrade in the Upgrade Center.

Right-to-Left Languages (RTL)
The following pages were enhanced with the ability to support Hebrew and Arabic: (Note: Some popups for these pages are planned to be enhanced to support RTL in the next builds. Other pages in RCM will continue to be enhanced to support RTL in the coming builds.)
- Job Requisition List
- Job Requisition Detail
- Applicant List (also known as Candidate Workbench)
- Applicant Profile
Why is it important?
- AP SuccessFactors continues with the ability to support right-to-left languages.Hebrew and Arabic are among the many languages written and read from right to left instead of the left to right method.
- When Fiori is enabled and the Right-to-Left feature enabled, then the pages will be available in Hebrew and Arabic. Configuration:
- The Fiori updates can be enabled using the Fiori User Experience 2016 upgrade in the Upgrade Center.
- Provisioning: Enable the language pack “Hebrew” or “Arabic“.
- BizX: Under Options-> Change Language-> Choose the same language as in previous step.

Q1-Minor Enhancements
Enhanced Duplicate Candidate Profile Management Universal
- Managing Duplicate Candidate Profiles was holistically enhanced in this release.
- Enhancements include:
- Entering Candidate E-Mail Twice –Default Behavior
- Introducing List View into Manage Duplicate Candidates admin tool
- Ability to navigate to Manage Duplicate Candidates admin tool from the Candidate Profile, that is marked as a potential duplicate
Why is it important?
- Increasing recruiter efficiency.
- Reducing effort for managing duplicate candidate profiles
- Recruiting users need permissions to access Manage Duplicate Candidates tool.
- Entering Candidate E-Mail Twice –Default Behavior
An external candidate, a recruiting user, or an agency user who is creating a candidate profile will now have to enter the e-mail address twice on the Candidate Profile creation page. This new default behavior helps reduce the number of duplicate candidate profiles in the system due to typing errors
- Manage Duplicate Candidates –List View
Manage Duplicate Candidates admin tool now includes a list view of potential duplicate candidate profiles
Ability to navigate to Manage Duplicate Candidates admin tool
For any candidate profile that is marked as a potential duplicate, users can now navigate to the Manage Duplicate Candidates tool directly from the Candidate Profile using the link in the “Alert” message. This link will open the Potential Duplicate Candidates list, where you can choose the next steps to manage the duplicate candidates.

Adding Attachments to Recruiting E-Mail Templates
- Recruiting users now have the ability to add attachments to Recruiting E-Mail Templates, at the time of defining them.
- Admin Center /Manage Recruiting Email Templates
- Used in Recruiting Email Triggers and in ad-hoc communication with candidates/applicants.
Why is it important?
- Increasing recruiter efficiency.
- Reducing effort for manually sending materials to candidates/applicants.
- Supported attachment types are defined in the SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Management Implementation Guide.

Notable Fixed Issues
- RCM-35231 For Home Page V3, a new tile called Recruiting Approvals is now available to display the To Dosrelevant to Job Requisitions and Offer Approvals. The items in the tile would be sorted on Due Date. The Overdue items are shown first followed by others.
- RCM-35075 In the Candidate Account Simplification workflow, when a referred candidate receives an e-mail to apply for a job, the link in the e-mail will take the candidate directly to the Password page to create a password, instead of requiring the candidate to enter their e-mail and having to manually navigateto the Password page by returning to the e-mail and clicking on the link. Additionally, the footer in the Invite to Apply page will now have a link to the Password page to create a password, instead of the forgot password link.
- RCM-35550 The HRNX, LAUNCHPAD, and THOMAS_INTERNATIONAL assessment vendors are now supported in Assessment Integration.
- RCM-34409 Four additional properties were added to the JobOfferApproverOData API entity that can now be queried: ‘approverLastName’, ‘approverFirstName’, ‘approverAction’,’ approverActionDate’.
- RCM-35293 OData: remove the filter on the Job Forwarded entity ODataAPI retrieves all types of forwards to a requisition including agency.
- RCM-35787 Job requisition buttons are now updated to be consistent.
- RCM-35418 Position Management OData integration: Now job requisition template names can be translated, which will no longer result in an error on creation of a requisition from the position org chart.
- RCM-35389 Multi language Job Posting: The questions and answers are consistent, the candidate while viewing/editing the application will see the questions in the language s/he applied in.
- RCM-35278 Horizontal scrollbar in job requisition landingpageis displayed; pages/buttons no longer get cut-off.
- RCM-35106 Choosing an Offer Letter template -If a specific country is chosen, only those languages are shown that were set in Admin Center –> Manage Offer Letter Templates.
- RCM-35084 Answers to rating scale screening now display in correct locale -When the candidate applies the rating scale is displayed in the locale of Job requisition. The question response is displayed as per the locale of the application when viewed by the user.
- RCM-34982 Recruiting users who create job application through OData APIs now have the ability to set the communication language for a particular job application.
- RCM-34493 When creating a job requisition with a job code that is associated to families and roles, the job title can now be filled from the position.
- RCM-33788 Previously, the intelligent services event ‘Update on Job Requisition’ was triggered only by updates in job requisitions in the approved status. Now, the existing event will fire also with changes, made in job requisitions in the pre-approved status.
- RCM-35879 OData -inconsistent behavior for default primary Operator field on job req creation – Req can now created without a default primary user.
- RCM-35723 Apostrophe (‘) on Username and Email no longer gets replaced with asciicharacters when creating an Offer Letter.
- RCM-35685 Internal Candidate MiddleNameis now properly syncing withEmployee Profile.
- RCM-35644 Candidate Profile no longer shows Option IDs in picklist fields instead of values entered by the candidate.
- RCM-35620 Application fields that were exposed due to a permission check change have been fixed and verified along with additional precautionary measures added so this does not happen again.
- RCM-35587 Position Integration-When the logged in user’s name is configured in both ‘Add Default Primary User’ and ‘Add Users to Team’ fields of any of the Operator Team fields from Admin Tools-> Manage Recruiting Team settings and then create a job req via Position Org Chart using a job req template with that Operator Teamf field configured. Job req is getting created successfully without any issues.
- RCM-35583 Resume parsing functionality is now populating background element date fields properly and no longer throwing a warning message.
- RCM-35553 DOC_TITLE Token is now displaying Job Requisition title instead of operator’s name in Document Routing Notification if Signature Stages are used.
- RCM-35533 Candidate added to requisition by job req operators as non applicant. After that Candidate saved her application before submit and try to apply from saved application. Here saved application question response was not coped to late stage application and end-up with data loss. This is now resolved so pre-screening questions will be properly presented.
- RCM-35504 There wasan issue with Mobile apply turned on when a fields contained a value but upon clicking submit the value did not get registered –this is now resolved.
- RCM-35488 Posting Language option for Arabic is now showing the value insteadof the key.
- RCM-35444 UNIVERSAL CHANGE: Captcha is now enforced for Email to friend function –this is because we offer a text box for additional information and is a security gapif we do not enforce Captcha with this text box exposed.
- RCM-35403 Mobile Apply –date formatting was causing an issue,validation was properly added so this will no longer show an error.
- RCM-35382 Mobile Apply wrapper is now translating properly if locale is missing from requisition because it can pull from RMK.
- RCM-35366 Spelling of Spanish State “Vizcaya” is now correct.
- RCM-35356 Agency password as password reset URL redirects to agency login screen are now able to be reset.
- RCM-35336 Role can be selected when creating a job requisition from families and roles.
- RCM-35305 Include Soft deleted job requisitions in the hard delete purge script.
- RCM-35263 Update message in CPT tool in provisioning to avoid incorrect re-index requests.
- RCM-35238 Requisition Instructions style no longer disappears after Refreshing OData API Metadata Cache.
- RCM-35237 Radio buttons are now in line in application in mobile apply.
- RCM-35211 When a user has access to more than 1000 job reqs, a query on the homepage needs to be constructed differently, this hasbeen updated.
- RCM-35157 Application Error when selecting “Email a Recruiter” for Online Offer is no longer happening.
- RCM-35147 The ‘Expand All’ button is now present in cascading questions section in a requisition.
- RCM-35121 Vendor Text Kernelfor resume parsing -The issue is fixed for SuccessFactors’ staging and production environments. The problem itself was a missing mapping. Our models extract so-called region clues which are then mapped (normalized) to the regions which are displayed in the Region tag. The region clue for Sangli that was extracted from the CV was missing in the mapping. In this case the next-most-similar clue is used for normalization. We have added the missing clue to the mapping.
- RCM-35114 Onboarding portlet was showing the incorrect status -Default status was displayed as Failed which was not appropriate for the Submission status in print preview. Now the default status is showing as Not Initiated.
- RCM-35076 Enabling Responsive Pages in RCM -Login, Create account, Password reset/Forgot password screens are dependent on Candidate Account simplification switch. Now, the behavior has to change to only depend on the Mobile apply switch and accordingly show the responsive pages.
- RCM-35040 Rearranged “Allow forwarding of candidates to un posted jobs” switch & external private posting condition to avoid candidates apply un posted job requisition using saved application.
- RCM-35029 RCM to ONB Integration -Update of Fields After ONB Initialization -All RCM fields information will be synced with ONB (after ONB initiation) for those candidates as well who have not applied to job reqbut have been only added to the req.
- RCM-35016 The default language in which job reqis created, is by default added as a part of posted languages.
- RCM-34970 Competency title now displays properly as the columns willadjust.
- RCM-34938 Field labelscan now support a single apostrophe.
- RCM-34929 OData –create application for private postings via ODataAPI is now supported-changes were made to restrict the users from applying to unposted Job reqvia OData. But the flag used to check for private posted JOB was not set properly and the flag always returned false (meaningjob is not posted) even if private posting is available. Have corrected the code to fetch private posted job info correctly to proceed with the application.
- RCM-34869 Hiring Manager (and other auto search drop down) has limitation of display option to 5 element. When user with same name is morethan 5, then user cant select respective person. Increase the display element count to 30.
- RCM-34681 Manage Templates -Elements re-arrangement in the Job Application template is now working.
- RCM-34667 Accessing anapplication via OData API when offer letter has been created via OData API no longer shows error.
- RCM-34582 Career Portal Data Privacy statement was appearing twice for Mexican candidates when having separate Data Privacy statement configured. This is now resolved.
- RCM-34416 “Invite to Apply” URL creation happens using Deeplinkcreate and resolve method, but in case of “Invite Late Stage Applicant” URL it does not follow this method. So followed Deeplinkcreate and resolve method even for “Invite Late Stage Applicant” URL.
- RCM-34318 UI -Issue with date calendar in Thai Locale.
- RCM-34308 External candidates are now not able to submit saved application on Mobile Apply after posting has expired.
- RCM-34124 Cannot edit Data Privacy Statement due to special characters is now resolved.
- RCM-34096 The jobReq Guide should not be copied to the new job requisition during the ‘duplicate job requisition’ action. Which caused the error.
- RCM-31521 Error message while candidate status change was not accurate –message was updated accordingly; Error message changed to (For error where multi stage validation is failed, rest are same) -“Some required fields must be filled by the candidate or other operator(s) before proceeding. More Details”.
- RCM-31155 When an application is updated through UI by candidate, the data related to EEO fields and standard fields are synced to profile. The same thing is happening via OData .Fixes have been made to mimic this behavior via SFAPI as well.