Delegation Of Onboarding Tasks
Delegation of Onboarding Tasks, As a responsible user, you can now delegate your new hire and custom tasks to another person (delegatee).
The delegation can be set up for new hires undergoing the onboarding process. As a delegator, you can delegate your new hire or custom tasks to another person using either the mass or individual delegation option.
You can only delegate new hires and custom tasks. Tasks of New Hire Data Review, Personal Data Collection, Custom Data Collection, e-signature, and Compliance (including Form I-9 and E-Verify) can’t be delegated.
You can select multiple new hires from the Onboarding Dashboard (New) and perform a mass delegation action using the Delegate My Onboarding Tasks option.

Alternatively, you can select a new hire and delegate all tasks specific to the corresponding new hire or select specific tasks using the Delegate My Tasks option from the Actions menu displayed on the New Recruit Details page.

You can also nudge responsible users to complete the delegated tasks or revert those tasks to yourself if required.
If the Onboarding workflow is cancelled or restarted,
delegated tasks are automatically reverted towards primary responsible user.
This enhancement provides responsible users with the flexibility to reassign tasks. This helps with workload balancing and ensures coverage during unplanned absences.
SAP has updated the value of the Action row in the Technical Details table from Required to Info Only. Additionally, we’ve removed the configuration.
Requirements section, as information about the (ONB) Task Delegation Template covered in the Delegating Onboarding Tasks topic available in the Related Information section.
Role-Based Permission Prerequisites
You have the Manage Onboarding or Offboarding Delegate Onboarding Task Permission, which allows you to delegate a new hire task or a custom task.
Users should have the User Search permission, which allows you to search for a delegate within the target population of your permission.
You have provided the delegate with all required permissions to complete the delegated task.
Role-Based Permission Pre-requisites